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Indonesia to build nuclear reactor

Indonesian authorities have given the go-ahead to build the country's first nuclear power plant on the densely-populated island of Java, with the aim of producing electricity by 2016.

Atomic and Nuclear Energy Agency spokesman Deddy Harsono says the site of the project, the Muria peninsula on Central Java province's north-east coast, was chosen for its tectonic and volcanic stability - a major concern in a country that sees regular eruptions and earthquakes.

Mr Harsono says the project will be tendered in 2008, for start of construction in 2010 and production in 2016.

The project, which was shelved in 1997 due to mounting public opposition and the discovery and exploitation of the large Natuna gas field, involves the construction of four plants, each with a 1,000 megawatt capacity.

Under the original plans, 12 nuclear power plants were slated for the northern coast of Java, with a total capacity of 7,000 megawatts.

Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country with more than 214 million people, currently relies on hydro, coal and fuel-generated electricity.

The rapid growth in energy consumption has required Jakarta to double its electricity production over the past 25 years.

Critics of the nuclear project, including legislators, environmentalists and academics, say Indonesia has many alternative energy sources and that a decision on whether to build the plants should rest with the people.



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