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Showing posts from 2014

The New Indonesia and Its Challenges

The victory of Joko Widodo or Jokowi, as many Indonesian affectionately call him, in Indonesia's 2014 presidential election truly is the watershed moment for this great archipelagic nation. Now, many people expect that the next five years will be a period where genuine democracy will be practiced and safeguarded, past human rights violation will be brought to court --at least push toward the court-- and discrimination based on religion and ethnicity will soon be punishable, especially in the case of Syiah and Ahmadiyyah followers. In the economy front, people now is hoping for a more bold move to end the fuel subsidy, narrowing the inequality level between the wealthy and the poor and more emphasize on creative industries, steping away from our dependency toward oil and gas industries. Can all be realized by Jokowi's administration? Few have doubts or question the intention of the new president. Almost everyone agree that Jokowi has his policies' priorities in the right...

Presiden Pilihan Parpol

Pemilihan Presiden akan berlangsung pada 9 Juli 2014 mendatang. Artinya masih enam bulan lagi. Di benak banyak orang sudah mulai ada bayangan siapa sosok yang akan mereka pilih di bilik suara nanti. Tapi semuanya masih bisa berubah, karena untuk dicalonkan, para kandidat yang sekarang digadang-gadang, harus direstui partai politik. Artinya, Jokowi yang sering disebut-sebut sebagai calon RI-1 belum tentu dicalonkan PDIP. Anies Baswedan yang kerap dibicarakan sebagai calon pengganti SBY, belum tentu dicalonkan Partai Demokrat --seperti juga Dahlan Iskan, atau Gita Wirjawan. Mahfud Md masih harus bersaing dengan beberapa kandidat lain --seperti Rhoma Irama-- di PKB. Di PDIP, Jokowi harus lulus seleksi internal yang dipimpin Megawati. Sementara di Demokrat, Anies, Dahlan dan Gita harus berjuang agar mereka dipilih rakyat lewat konvensi. Di PKB, Mahfud masih bersafari keliling Indonesia agar popularitasnya bisa mendongkrak suara partainya. Hanya calon presiden yang juga orang pa...